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Brad Bell

Accomplished Executive with experience running complex, technology/business oriented, geographically distributed, and fast moving environments. Brings a strong combination of Applications, technology, Cloud, Business Process, and GTM. Capable of driving significant business results predicated on development of sound strategy and focus on execution. Excellent background in process and continuous improvement.

IAAS, PAAS, SaaS Enterprise transition and lifecycle model
Contracts/SLA, strategy, planning, business operations, portfolio management
Business applications implementation and delivery
Operations and Service Management applications
Help desks at scale both commercial and internal facing
Dev/Ops and tools for software Engineering
Technology architecture and design
Cloud computing architecture and support
Cloud revenue management and customer support models
Collaboration and Voice technology
Off-shore and near-shore support/development strategy
CRM,EDI, eCom, ERP, Enterprise back office
LAN/WAN, Data Centers – Private/Public
Supply Chain enablement
Omni Channel – Digital customer engagement
BOT and AI
Security compliance for infrastructure

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