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Chiranjoy Das
Former CIO

CJ has played roles, including Chief Data Officer, that required him to provide technical leadership to local, national, and international sites and services by serving as a ‘hands-on’ technologist, and a business leader.

CJ has demonstrated exceptional skills in various innovative initiatives, and leadership in all aspects of information technology. He is the recipient of CIO100 award in 2017. He also received the Analytics50, and the DigitalEdge50 awards in 2017. He was an Advisor to Gartner, & often seen delivering speeches in various conferences across the country on Technology.

CJ believes that we live in a world that is being transformed by technology, but with this power to change lives comes the responsibility. He takes this responsibility very seriously by applying innovative technologies for the greater good, and be a good citizen.

He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science, & an MBA in Finance.

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