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Don Anderson
Tiger Global Management

Don Anderson is CIO at Tiger Global Management, a New York based investment firm focused on public and private companies in the global internet, software, consumer and financial technology industries. Prior to joining Tiger Global, Don spent 19 years in various leadership roles for the Federal Reserve System including Business Transformation Executive where he led the successful transformation of the finance, HR and procurement functions for 22,000 users. Don served as CIO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and was award the Leadership Award in 2022 and Boston CIO of the Year ORBIE award by the Boston CIO Leadership Association in 2017. Prior to the Fed, Don was a senior consultant with Hewlett Packard (HP) Enterprise focused on the development and execution of IT transformation strategies for Fortune 500 companies.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Connecticut and an MBA from Bentley University, and serves on the board of the Advanced Cyber Security Center (ACSC).

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