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Hunter Muller
Founder & CEO
HMG Strategy

Hunter Muller is a charismatic industry pioneer and a modern-day Renaissance Man. As a global C-suite advisor and coach for the past 30 years, Hunter’s insights and concepts have been successfully applied by Fortune 1000 organizations worldwide to accelerate executive performance, propel the career ascent of C-level executives, and to drive transformative innovation and create new waves of value.

Hunter is the Founder and CEO of HMG Strategy, LLC, the largest independent, objective, transparent and collaborative executive network in the world. HMG focuses on innovation and breakthrough strategies for core, parallel and new markets while studying the most successful organizations eco-systems and platforms such as Amazon and Microsoft.

HMG Strategy is the provider of thought leadership and networking events for CIOs, CISOs, and senior technology executives. HMG Strategy offers a unique, integrated model for enabling C-level executives and their companies to draw upon courageous leadership to reimagine, reinvent, and rebuild their business models to attain the genius-level thinking required in today’s dynamic business landscape to achieve competitive advantage in the digital frontier.

Hunter\’s passion for the role of the technology executive in transforming the business is reflected in the 7 Pillars of Trust which embody HMG Strategy\’s unique business model.

Complementing HMG Strategy’s world-renowned events is HMGNextVentures, a venture capital accelerator aimed at helping connect CIOs with the most innovative technology companies and entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley to Tel Aviv. HMG Strategy also partners with the world’s leading venture capital firms, including Amplify Partners, Greylock Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and Sequoia Capital. HMG Strategy connects CEOs, CIOs, and other C-level executives with startup technologies backed by the leading VCs to identify opportunities for innovation and business transformation.

Meanwhile, HMG Strategy’s award-winning Research Team advises the world’s technology companies such as Adobe, Nutanix, and Workday on branding, messaging, and Voice of the Customer strategies.

Hunter has published five that draw from his extensive business experience: The Transformational CIO (Wiley, March 2011), On Top of the Cloud (Wiley, January 2012), Leading the Epic Revolution (Wiley, September 2013) and The Big Shift in IT Leadership (Wiley, July 2015) and The CEO of Technology (Wiley, January 2018). Hunter is now working on his sixth book: \’Enterprise 2025\’, which is slated to be published in January 2020. As a result, Hunter’s unique position of knowing the thoughts, challenges, and opportunities of the IT Leader, he is asked to speak at a variety of venues such as IBM’s Cloud Expo and on

Hunter and HMG Strategy support a variety of charitable causes, including the American Cancer Society, Save the Children, and Year Up, and Hunter personally gives back his time and ideas as a member of the Executive Committee of the Fairfield/Westchester Chapter of the Society for Information Management.

An intrepid international athlete, Hunter is an ardent yacht racer, a world-class skier, and an extreme fitness guru. Hunter is passionate about ocean and mountain adventures and spending time with his sons, Chase and Brice.

Hunter earned a Bachelor of Science in the Babson College School of Management.

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