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James Robertson
CTO Advisor/Technology Strategist, Office of the CTO
Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company

James Robertson is VP & Chief Technology Officer for Time Warner’s Enterprise Infrastructure.

Responsible for the end-to-end delivery across a suite of core services that covers the range of traditional IT and Media, Robertson and his team specializes in providing agile transport, solid security and best of breed end-user collaboration technologies. He and his team are focused on creating innovative and effective ways to more efficiently utilize technology in a media-centric, technologically-based, organization like Time Warner.

In his role as CTO, he has responsibility for setting the vision, developing standards, leading R&D efforts and implementing enterprise-class solutions across the company which includes marquee brands such as HBO, Warner Bros. and Turner.

James is also leading the technology plan from base-building construction to end-user collaboration for the new Time Warner Corporate Headquarters in New York. Consisting of approximately 1.5M usable square feet of office, broadcast production and technical space, the new facility is the anchor building within the largest real estate project ever undertaken in the Manhattan. When fully opened in 2019, 5500+ employees of Time Warner will utilize the latest in communication and collaboration capabilities to maximize productivity across the Time Warner working environment and beyond.

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