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Jo Hoppe
CIO/CTO/VP & General Manager (P&L)
Software, Life Sciences, Book Publishing

Jo Hoppe is an experienced executive who has held a wide range of Information Technology, Software Development and Operations positions in Fortune 500 companies. Her business background is international in scope and has included assignments in IT, Software Development, Marketing, P&L Management and Operations. Jo also has extensive experience with mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. Jo spent the last five years at PAREXEL, a $2 B global Contract Research Organization serving the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical industries. PAREXEL has over 14,000 employees with offices in 52 countries. Prior to joining Parexel, Jo worked at Pegasystems where she served as CIO. In this capacity, Jo was responsible for designing and building a comprehensive portfolio of enterprise solutions and products that exploit the intrinsic business advantages of Pegasystems rules-based BPM technology. From 1999-2003, Jo worked at CMGI, a $1.2B global Internet holding company where she held the dual role of EVP/CIO of CMGI, and CTO of uBID, CMGI’s $750M online auction and eCommerce business. Jo also managed a host of other operational responsibilities including asset management, Corporate Travel, Amex Administration, and Group Purchasing. Prior to her CMGI assignment, Jo held CIO positions at Addison Wesley Longman (now Pearson Education), Pearson Plc\’s $5 B educational content/media company, and at Houghton Mifflin Co. Jo\’s background also includes 12 years of software development experience at Atex Media Solutions. In her last few years at Atex, Jo held the position of V.P. and General Manager of Atex\’s Newspaper Product Division, a $60M P&L. Jo is an active member of Society for Information Management (where she holds the position of President of the Board ) and has been featured in CIO Magazine, Upside Magazine (Outstanding Women in Technology), Mass High Tech, Boston Women’s Journal, ComputerWorld, Publishers\’ Weekly and the Seybold Report.

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