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Lance Ralls
Vice Chair
SIM Southern California

Lance Ralls is a hybrid global CIO/CTO who rapidly delivers impact to profit and revenue. He is regularly told he is a rare bilingual executive who can speak both the language of business and technology fluently. Lance Ralls, Global CIO/CTO at MerchSource, is responsible for leading the company’s global Technology and Data services, policy, strategy, operations, governance, privacy policy, financial management and Cyber Security across all ThreeSixty’s global business groups and brands: FAO Schwarz, Sharper Image, Vornado, and Discovery.

Lance’s global corporate executive and management experience spans multiple industries and includes tenures during dramatic growth at Belkin International, Pelican, MerchSource, DIRECTV, Sony, Warner Bros, NBC Universal, Mattel, Cognizant, and PwC.

Lance’s work has successfully impacted millions of customers, thousands of employees, and created multi-million dollars of business growth by his understanding that technology is only 25% of the solution and you must address the remaining 75% by understanding the process and organization impact for maximum impact from your IT organization.

At thirteen, Lance started his first job, changing tires at his father’s tire store.  He soon decided he wanted to be the fastest and most effective tire-changer in the shop, which he achieved beating those around him with decades of practice. This is where his love for endless efficiency was born and he follows the same approach when creating solutions that impact customers he serves from consuming tv shows, purchasing electronics/toys, buying movie tickets, or scheduling teams on projects.

Lance also served as an advisory member on the Economic Development Advisory Council to El Segundo City Council promoting growth and community support in the region.  He enjoys and has successfully coached hundreds of kids in soccer and baseball for over 10 years, focusing on the process of play, not the outcome.  He has always focused on building character in how to work as a team as well as how to deal with failure which in turn delivers success which has led his teams to winning numerous championships.

Lance holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

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