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Lenny Schad
CIO in Residence
District Administration Leadership Institute

Lenny Schad has been in the technology field for 25 years. During that time period, his career has taken him into many business sectors where he has established a very successful leadership and management track record. His range of business sector experience includes hospitality, government, oil & gas, investment banking, and education. Highlights of his career include managing and leading technology departments for the 1991 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations and the 1992 Republican National Convention, as well as creating and managing technology departments for joint ventures and global organizations. He is a recognized leader whose innovative and process oriented management styles have led to highly effective Information Technology departments.

For the past 11 years, Mr. Schad has worked in the K-12 Education space and is currently CTIO for the nation’s 7th largest school district, Houston ISD. His recognitions include:
• National School Board Association\’s \”20 to Watch\” educators for 2008
• The Consortium of School Networking (CoSN) Volunteer Hall of Fame 
• CoSN 2011 National School District Team Award 
• CIO Leadership Forum “2011 Next Level Leadership Award” 
• CoSN 2013 Withrow Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Award Honorable Mention
Mr. Schad’s first book, Bring Your Own Learning: Transform Instruction with any Device, is scheduled to be published in February. 

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