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Lori Brown
Employee & Customer Experience Collaboration and Consulting (former CXO ResultsCX)
L Brown CX Consulting

Lori Brown is the Former Results Companies’ Chief Experience Officer. A 25-year veteran of the BPO services industry, Lori and the Results team have had the opportunity to work with some of the top Fortune 100 and 500 global brands. Through State-of-the-Art technology such as Robotics AI, and BI analytics, understanding where the friction is in an interaction and deploying technology to help smooth those points is what Results is best at. Lori and team have helped their partners increase metrics such as NPS, CSAT and ENPS, all while minimizing costs.  “Having an experienced team that understands the power of data-as well as grasping a deeper understanding into customer behaviors -is critical to our success”.

You will often hear Lori say, “At Results, we don’t say ‘We think’, we say ‘We know’, and we know because we have the data that tells us.”

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