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Ron Schott
Executive Emeritus
Arizona Technology Council

Ron Schott is currently Executive Emeritus at the Arizona Technology Council (AZTC). While at AZTC Ron has held positions of President & CEO and Executive Director during transitions of leadership. Ron was also Chairman of the Arizona Telecommunications and Information Council (ATIC) and continues on that board. Prior to joining the Technology Council, Ron completed two exciting careers in Corporate America.

He retired from America Online, Inc. in 2003. While at AOL, Ron was Director of IT for AOL’s Member Services Group. He established a Development Center in Tucson, AZ responsible for Application Development, Knowledge Management Systems, MIS Systems, Web Development, Quality Assurance, Performance & Stress Testing that supported all of the AOL US and outsourced call centers with over 6,000 agents. His responsibilities spanned Data and Voice infrastructures, systems and applications.

Prior to joining AOL, Ron held Senior Management positions at IBM which spanned Operating Systems Development, Development Laboratory Technical & Management covering many technologies, industries and disciplines. He was also responsible for Technical Sales at IBM with major IBM customers in AZ and the Southwest Region.

Ron serves on the U of A College of Business MIS Industry Advisory Council and the U of A College of Engineering Industry Advisory Council. Ron also serves as a member of Phoenix Infragard and the FBI Infragard Critical Sector Council (“CSC”).  Ron is also member of the Scottsdale Pinnacle Peak Lion’s.   

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