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Stefanie Causey
OCM Leader, Enterprise Operations & Services Quote-to-Cash Transformation
IBM Global Business Services

At her best at the intersection of business strategy development, operational execution, and technology transformation, she has spent two decades helping business leaders envision the art of the possible with technology strategy and driving cultural change with highly technical resources that struggle to understand the language, let alone user stories and requirements.  She has a knack for bringing focus and drive to chaos and just simply building organizations that get s**t done and done right.

She has held leadership positions in a variety of industries from financial services to software organizations and played a variety of roles from being the fixer to most recently building a multi-national organization that drove a technology and culture transformation that replaced a burning enterprise on premise platform with an integrated suite of best-of-breed cloud enterprise applications in less than seven months.  She joined the cloud journey early by taking a practice lead role at an early system implementer adopter and had never looked back.  Her years of experience driving solution architecture in back office solutions across all sizes of organizations has led to her being a highly sought-after leader and speaker, and she relishes the opportunity to share her story as a way to help others avoid the learning opportunities she faced as an early entrant to the cloud space.

Stefanie joined IBM as an Associate Partner in their Salesforce Innovation Unit, focused on the Financial Services Sector in 2020, to be a part of IBM’s platinum partnership with Salesforce.  She is bringing her strategic business mind to the largest banks in North America, helping drive Digital Customer and Employee Experience transformation without ever losing sight of the humanness perspective that is innate in any journey embarked upon by people that interact with technology.  And man is she having FUN while she’s doing it with some incredibly smart thought-leaders and crazy bleeding edge technology too!


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