Technology is designed to be simple; leaders should simplify complex business processes and enable the digital technology to build best-in-class customer, employee and partner experiences. Enterprise transformation starts with leaders that can influence their people and nurture the organization culture and mindset for success. Strategy is what you will do and as important what you won’t do. Sujan is a trusted business partner and accomplished IT global leader who can tie all things digital with strategy, simplification & execution and establish a strong sense of purpose for the teams in support of a larger organizational context and deliver outstanding customer-centric business value.
Focus Areas: IT & Digital Strategy, 3-yr Product Roadmaps, Boardroom Presentations, Business Partnership, Business Processes Optimization, Business Relationship Management, Change Management, Cloud-first & Mobile-first, Data-driven Digital Transformation, Innovation with Emerging Technologies, Bimodal Teams, Continuous Improvement, Reduce Waste, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Agile Methodology, Pace-layered Enterprise Architecture, DevOps, Advanced BI & Analytics, Cyber & Data Security, Modern Digital Architecture, Connected & Intelligent Post-Modern ERP
Industry Experiences: FinTech, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Education, Consulting
Social Causes: Preparing kids for the game of life – focus on mindfulness exercises, develop athleticism at a young age, and make them believe in themselves