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Vyom Upadhya
Executive Director for Digital

Vyom Upadhya is the Executive Director for Digital at MDVIP in Boca Raton, FL. A Goldman Sachs and Charles Bank backed company, MDVIP operates a network of 1,200 physicians serving over 380,000 patients across the United States with personalized, preventative primary care medicine. As a senior technology executive, Vyom leads multiple teams with multi million dollar budgets focused on delivering a technology enabled healthcare experience. During his tenure, he has led company wide strategic initiatives, managed enterprise partnerships, and has been recognized both as an employee of the year and a culture champion.

During Vyom\’s 20 year career, he has held leadership roles in engineering, product development, strategy, implementation, sales and management consulting. Outside of MDVIP, Vyom focuses on providing fractional CIO and CTO advisory services to mid market firms looking to drive growth and value from technology. From Georgia Tech to Florida International University, Vyom holds a Bachelors in Computer Engineering, a Masters in MIS, and an MBA focused on Finance and Entrepreneurship.

Most recently, Vyom has taken on the role of President at the Society of Information Management\’s South Florida chapter. Our chapter is executing against a vision of helping build better CIOs and CTOs, ultimately leading to a technology \”leadership\” hub in South Florida.

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