Accelerating and Amplifying the Speed of Trust: HMG Strategy’s Partnership with Bestselling Author Stephen M.R. Covey Provides Essential Guidance for 21st Century Business Technology Executives

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As the pace of digital transformation accelerates, technology executives face intense pressure to meet unprecedented demands from internal and external customers and stakeholders. The scope and magnitude of this challenge is unparalleled and unique. 

If you are a technology leader, you know what I’m talking about. Together, we are experiencing a truly disruptive moment. In times of great turbulence and dramatic change, the old playbook simply does not work, and we need to rethink our leadership models.

That’s why I am so grateful for our partnership with Stephen M.R. Covey. Working closely with HMG Strategy, Stephen provides essential guidance and genuinely helpful advice for technology executives in the 21st century enterprise.

We recently held a workshop with members of our CIO & CISO Executive Leadership Alliance (CELA) program, a group of world-class CIOs, CISOs and technology executives who brainstorm regularly on the top challenges and opportunities they face in their roles. The workshop with Stephen was focused on how a trusting culture is the foundation for innovation, along with recommendations from Stephen on how best to foster a culture of trust.

First and foremost, Stephen reminds us that trust is the most important element of successful leadership. His research shows that organizations with high-trust cultures perform 286% better than organizations with low-trust cultures. That’s a striking difference.

Trust is also a force-multiplier, Stephen says. Trust accelerates and amplifies the power of teams, enabling them to solve difficult problems more quickly, creatively and effectively.

Moreover, the ability to inspire trust is a learnable skill. In other words, trust is not magical – it can be taught, and it can be learned. Stephen compares a lack of trust to a tax. In a low-trust culture, it takes longer to get things done and it costs more to do so. Conversely, the presence of trust is like a dividend that generates value, benefitting the organization and its stakeholders.  

Building trust requires you to understand your motivations and your goals. Stephen speaks eloquently about having your own personal “why” statement and explains the complex yet powerful relationship between self-knowledge and success.

I urge you to attend one of our upcoming events and learn more about Stephen’s incredibly useful roadmap for inspiring trust and elevating performance. I’ve already learned so many valuable lessons from Stephen, and I am certain that you will too.

At HMG Strategy, our goal is preparing you for the unlimited future. Everything we do here supports our fundamental mission of helping you accelerate your career ascent. Our truly unique and powerful platform enables you to acquire knowledge from the top-tier thought leaders and practitioners, to meet and mingle with your peers, and to hear the latest news about the newest technologies from trusted sources.

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