For Modern Technology Leaders, Distinguishing the Difference Between Vendors and Partners Is a Critical Skill

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It’s only January and it already feels like we’re heading into another year of continual turbulence. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that we’ve all grown accustomed to managing rapidly changing situations and making the best of sub-optimal conditions.

At times like these, the difference between a partners and a vendor becomes paramount. When the going gets tough, tech leaders turn to trusted partners for support, guidance and advice. That’s when the power of relationships really matters. Features and functionality are nice, but they cannot replace the sense of confidence inspired by a trusted ally.

Because let’s face it: Powerful and complicated technology solutions rarely perform flawlessly, especially at the beginning of an implementation. You want a partner who will stick by you and make sure that problems and issues are resolved before they can have a negative impact on the business.

I’ve always believed in the power of trust. Frankly, trust is the lifeblood of our system. It’s easy to get cynical sometimes, but it’s always important to remember that everything we do is built on a foundation of trust. Without trust, our complex networks of business relationships simply would cease to function. Trust isn’t a luxury – it’s absolutely essential.

We’ll be talking and writing about trust frequently in the months ahead. I realize that many tech leaders will face unrelenting pressure to trim costs this year, despite the clear need for acquiring new technologies to remain competitive. Now is the time to look closely at your suppliers and to determine which are vendors – and which are partners. Your ability to distinguish between them will be crucial.

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