Resilient Leadership in Tumultuous Times Lights the Path for Tech Executives Into 2023

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Without question, 2022 has been a tumultuous and turbulent year. But despite the uncertainties, we are truly grateful for the support and engagement of our global community of business technology executives and the valiant leadership they have demonstrated. We’re also grateful to our numerous partners and advisory board members who enabled us to offer and produce an amazing schedule of high-value summits and events featuring world-class speakers, panelists and thought leaders from globally recognized organizations.

But soon, 2022 will be in the rearview mirror. Here at HMG Strategy, we’re already preparing for a great new year, and we eagerly look forward to another 12 months of incredible summits, webinars, roundtables and executive-level meetings. We have a tremendous schedule in place and we urge you to visit the HMG Strategy website to learn more. Our next event is the 2023 Silicon Valley Global Innovation Summit on Feb. 28, 2023. Register today for what is already shaping up to be a unique and informative high-value executive summit. The theme for our executive leadership summits in 2023 is ‘Resilient Leadership: Driving Fearless Reinvention to Deliver a Secure Digital Agenda.’

From my perspective, inflationary pressures and other macro-economic challenges are creating headwinds for technology executives and fellow members of the C-suite to execute on and achieve strategic goals. The fast-changing socio-economic landscape is prompting technology executives to become more creative than ever and to draw upon authentic and inclusive leadership skills to inspire their teams. As technology executives continue to increase their stature in the C-suite, this is creating unique opportunities for them to foster a collaborative culture, embrace innovative approaches, and develop strong partnerships to leverage hot technologies such as AI, cloud platforms and cyber technologies to securely move the needle for the business and win in ultra-competitive markets.

At HMG Strategy, we strive to produce the world’s best summits and events, custom designed and developed to help you navigate the ever-changing macro-economic landscape and to enable you to accelerate your career ascent. I urge you to check out our amazing schedule of high-powered summits and see for yourself how the strength and power of our world-class community can help you and your team to win.

If you are a senior-level executive, please also consider joining our Global CIO & CISO Executive Leadership Alliance (CELA) service. I genuinely enjoy our CELA sessions, and I am certain that you will find them extremely valuable for enabling top-tier business technology leaders to navigate the challenges and opportunities facing them in the current business environment. They inspire us and really bring out some of our best ideas. Because the participants are all senior leaders and executives, there’s a true sense of comradeship and collaboration. And frankly, CELA is also a great opportunity for building your professional brand.

We’re especially proud of our 2023 Global Leadership Institute Awards, which honor truly exemplary technology executives for their performance as courageous leaders, powerful innovators, and superior contributors to their organizations​​. These prestigious awards recognize the top-performing Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, and other Senior Technology Leaders, Search Industry Executives, Venture Capitalists and Partner Executives who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in the following areas:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Leading Into the C-Suite
Safeguarding the Enterprise
Building a Culture of Trust
Creating New Go-to-Market Business Models
Modernizing Enterprise Architecture

Recipients of these awards include executives who have also shared world-class thought leadership with the HMG Strategy CIO and CISO Executive Leadership Summit series audiences and/or on the HMG Strategy Digital Platform as part of their ability to lead, reimagine and reinvent their companies and their organization’s business models.

Meanwhile, HMG Strategy’s Global Media Model generates more than one million impressions per week, providing vast opportunities for business technology leaders and sponsor partners to promote themselves, their thought leadership and their professional brands on a global scale. 

Take a look at our schedule of upcoming summits and register now for one of our unique high-value events. I look forward to seeing you in 2023!

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