Technology Sector Provides Key Leadership as Economy Evolves

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I was thrilled and inspired by the successful splashdown of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft on Sunday. It was a beautiful moment, and it reminded me of how far we have come as a civilization. Thanks to a truly amazing combination of vision, courage, leadership and advanced technologies, we are expanding the boundaries of our shared human experience.

The rise of technology has affirmed many of our highest hopes and most profound beliefs. As technology executives and leaders, we’ve staked our careers to this amazing sector, and it’s delivered on its promise.

Digital technologies are inextricably woven into the fabric of our modern culture. The world as we know it would simply not exist with our increasingly integrated and sophisticated technologies. Imagine our lives without tech – it’s a sobering thought, to be sure.

Today, every company is a tech company. We can no longer survive and thrive without technology – it’s become a fundamental force, like electricity.

In last week’s newsletter, I noted that the five largest US companies — FacebookAmazonAppleAlphabet and Microsoft – currently compose more than one fifth of the value of the S&P 500. It seems astonishing, yet these five companies are essentially supporting the index.

We’re at the point where a significant portion of investors see technology as a genuine market leader. That’s a good place to be, but it’s also risky. The pandemic has driven uncertainty and anxiety to unprecedented levels. Markets can swing quickly, especially when they’re driven by strong emotions.

In times such as these, the global tech community has a responsibility to provide leadership, guidance and insight. Let’s collaborate and work together, sharing our knowledge and wisdom. There are still obstacles to surmount and higher plateaus to achieve. I’m confident in our collective capabilities to lead, innovate, inspire and create value. This is our role, and I know we can get the job done.

I urge you to visit our archive of recent HMG Live! Virtual Events, and watch exclusive video clips of top-tier executives sharing their stories and experiences.

I find their stories genuinely inspiring. I am incredibly proud and humbled by their participation in our truly unique and valuable professional community here at HMG Strategy, the world’s strongest independent platform for peer-driven knowledge and unbiased information.

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