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Join Us Now We’ve all had this happen: You’re on your laptop in some public or semi-private place. And while your document might not exactly be national security, it is certainly sensitive enough to warrant viewing by your-eyes-only. But then you happen to notice that person – the one seated next to you, or who comes over […]

Join Us Now Twitter Accounts of Uber, Apple, Buffet and Musk Are Simultaneously Hacked by Scammers  Twitter suffered a series of simultaneous cyber attacks Wednesday in which the accounts of prominent businesses and celebrities were hacked. “The unknown attackers tweeted identical messages promising that they were ‘giving back 5000 BTC ($45,889,950) to the community’ on […]

Join Us Now Once again, technology stocks are leading markets higher, as investors look for meaningful signs of a lasting economic recovery. Today, the markets are responding to news that two companies, Pfizer and BioNTech, have been granted “fast track” status by the FDA for coronavirus vaccine candidates. “Pfizer and BioNTech said they expect to start the next phase […]

Join Us Now The 2015 cyber attack on the Ukraine power grid was the first of its kind. After what had to be an exhaustive reconnaissance mission, state actors gained remote control of three regional power distribution centers in Ukraine to open circuit breakers of around 60 substations to deenergize the local substations. This marked […]

Join Us Now Facial Recognition Firm Under Global Scrutiny A U.S. firm that scrapes data from social media sites and other Internet platforms is under investigation by regulators in the U.K. and Australia.   “Privacy regulators in the U.K. and Australia have announced a joint probe into Clearview AI’s ‘data scraping’ practices,” writes Sam Shead of CNBC.  “The New […]

Join Us Now The connection between Wall Street and Main Street has been rightfully questioned. Many believe that loose monetary policies, rather than real economic gains, have driven Wall Street’s phenomenal rise for most of the past two decades. Even if that were true, the simple fact is that Wall Street is the world’s single […]

Join Us Now If you are tired of bad COVID data interpretations by reporters and your annoying uncle, then this article is for you. While your humble author chases hackers for a living, the discipline of cyber is sufficiently adjacent to data science as to warrant some insight Now – if the number of COVID cases […]

Join Us Now Amazon to Pay Special Bonus to Frontline Workers Online retail giant Amazon will pay frontline employees a special bonus for their efforts during the pandemic. “In a memo to employees, Dave Clark, Amazon’s senior vice president of retail operations, said the company will pay full-time warehouse, Whole Foods and delivery workers a $500 […]

Join Us Now Being a woman in business is challenging. Many women are concerned about being labeled if they speak up and share their opinions or if they’re too aggressive with their leadership style. Then there’s the`Boy’s Club’ culture that exists within many organizations where women often feel excluded. Add to this the struggles of […]

Join Us Now Imagine this: You’re hired to work as a senior-level software programmer for a networking company. Your responsibilities include building a security framework and ensuring the secure delivery of new products and services. Out of (seemingly) nowhere, Code Red hits and your company, along with many others around the world, experience outages. The […]

Join Us Now 5 Top Tech Stocks Surge to New Highs Despite the continuing uncertainty and turmoil, the technology sector demonstrates strength and resiliency in difficult times. The world’s financial markets apparently agree. “Money is continuing to roll into megacaps today, with the Big 5 technology companies benefiting further,” according to a post Tuesday in Seeking […]

Join Us Now As regional economies have started opening, many technology and business leaders have speculated on what the future of work will look like. This includes how and where work is done, whether it is conducted in a hybrid office/remote environment, along with how the work itself is sourced.  According to a recent poll of more […]

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